Thursday, 29 November 2012

Koh-Kae Tom Yam Flavor ◎ 大哥豆冬阴酸辣味

Today's WANTED
I am a big fan of Tom Yam, any snacks or food which label with Tom Yam will always be my first choice, so I want to try on this "Koh-Kae Tom Yam Flavor" before goes for other flavors. 

*Inhale* A strong-smelling spices flow into nasal passage once metal lid removed, really can't wait to try it now!!!!

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Koh-Kae Peanut。泰国大哥花生豆

First Thankful for you ~ 
For reading this right now. For visiting Thai。HaoChi. For reading what I write.

Today I would like to share one of my favorite Thais Snacks Food  with all of you - * Ta Da * "Koh-Kae" peanuts.